◿ Aviation type rating and licence endorsement

- SEP 06/2023
- FCL.055d lvl 5 11/2024
- FCL.800 (Aerobatic rating) 12/2024
- Night rating in progress
- ATPL in progress

◿ Scientific publications

- Monaghan-Benson E., Aureille J., Guilluy C. ECM stiffness regulates lung fibroblast survival through RasGRF1 dependent signaling. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2025

- Aureille J., Prabhu S.S., Barnett S.F., Farrugia A.J., Arnal I., Lafanechère L., Low B.C., Kanchanawong P., Mogilner A., Bershadsky A.D. Focal adhesions are controlled by microtubules through local contractility regulation EMBO 2024.

- Belaadi N., Pernet L., Aureille J., Chadeuf G., Rio M., Vaillant N., Vitiello E., Lafanechère L., Loirand G., Guilluy C. SUN2 regulates mitotic duration in response to extracellular matrix rigidity PNAS 2022.

- Aureille J.*, Blonski S.*, Badawi S., Zaremba D., Pernet L., Grichine A., Fraboulet S., Korcyk P. M., Recho P., Guilluy C., Dolega M.E. Direction of epithelial folding defines impact of mechanical forces on epithelial state Developmental Cell 2021.

- Aureille J., Pezet M., Pernet L., Mazzega J., Grichine A., Guilluy C., Dolega M.E. Cell fluorescence photoactivation as a method to select and study cellular subpopulations grown in mechanically heterogeneous environments Molecular Biology of the Cell 2021.

- Aureille J., Buffière-Ribot V., Harvey B.E, Boyault C., Pernet L., Andersen T., Bacola G., Balland M., Fraboulet S., Van Landeghem S., Guilluy C. Nuclear envelope deformation controls cell cycle progression in response to mechanical force EMBO Report. 2019

- Belaadi N., Millon-Frémillon A., Aureille J. and Guilluy C. Analyzing mechanotransduction trough the LINC complex in isolated nuclei. Methods and Protocols 2018.

- Maria Luigia Carbone, Gilliane Chadeuf, Sandrine Heurtebise-Chrétien, Xavier Prieur, Thibault Quillard, Yann Goueffic, Nathalie Vaillant, Marc Rio, Laure Castan, Maxim Durand, Céline Baron-Menguy, Julien Aureille, Juliette Desfrançois, Angela Tesse, Raul M. Torres, and Gervaise Loirand. Leukocyte RhoA exchange factor Arhgef1 mediates vascular inflammation and atherosclerosis. J Clin Invest.2017

- Millon-Frémillon A., Aureille J., Guilluy C. Analyzing Cell Surface Adhesion Remodeling in Response to Mechanical Tension Using Magnetic Beads. JoVE 2017

- Aureille J., Belaadi N., Guilluy C. Mechanotransduction via the nuclear envelope: a distant reflection of the cell surface. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 2016

- Belaadi N., Aureille J. and Guilluy C. Under Pressure: Mechanical Stress Management in the Nucleus. Cells. 2016, doi:10.3390/cells5020027.